Category: Watch review

Kari Voutilainen – The Godfather

The first time I visited Mr. Voutilainen I was terrified. I felt I was going to see the Horological Godfather and couldn’t have been more nervous. The meeting had been set by a mutual friend;...

My Milestone watch – Roger Smith Series 1

On life’s journey there are moments considered “milestones” – the most significant or meaningful of moments. Some the result of action such as accomplishments; others inaction such as simply surviving the passage of time. Milestones...

Meeting Aaron Becsei

The last Basel World in 2019 was my first, and the first time I met Aaron Becsei.  At the top of the escalator, just to the right, was the AHCI booth. Situated in the center...

Masahiro Kikuno Sakubou on Monochrome

Here’s a link to the article about the Masahiro Kikuno Sakubou piece unique

Peter Speake-Marin Mark 1, Mk1 on Monochrome

Here’s a link to the article about the Peter Speake-Marin Marin 1, Mk1

Grönefeld Parallax on Monochrome

Here’s a link to the article about the Grönefeld Parallax

McGonigle Tuscar Bánú on Monochrome

Here’s a link to the article about the McGonigle Tuscar Bánú